As some of you know, I'm a writer by nature and I enjoy creating characters and stories. I'd like you to say hello to my latest development.
The ladies I've created are going to help me promote healthy emotions and healthy hair.
Although they are fictional, their struggles will be real and relatable. They come from different walks of life with the same goal in mind. Happiness and fabulous healthy hair.
Meet the tribe:
- Female
- Age: 26
- Profession: Photographer
- Marital Status: Single but seeking
- Race: Asian
- Children: None
- Hair Type: 1 straight
Sue is very disciplined she is strict in her routine. If things don't go the way she plans, look out. Sue is a perfectionist and straight forward. She has Type 1 straight hair that is usually pulled back in a slick ponytail. Her business keeps her busy because she is good at what she does. She has the talent to see the beauty in everything around her. She came from a broken home with an overbearing mother and absent father. She'd like to get married but has trouble finding the perfect man. On the outside, Sue appears to have it all together. But sue has few problems she'd like to change about herself.
- Flat hair
- Impatient
- Can't see her own beauty
Sue feels blessed to be:
- Talented
- Disciplined
- Creative
- Trustworthy
Because of Sue's impatience, she is a product junkie and dates a lot. If it doesn't' work the first time, she's off to the next thing.
Meet Summer:
- Female
- Age: 35
- Profession: Foster Mother
- Marital Status: Married
- Race: Caucasian
- Children: Three of own
- Hair Type: 2: Wavy
Summer is the girl next door that just seems to go with the flow. She's spontaneous, social and deeply involved with her community. She has a rock solid husband that keep her balanced. Summer came from a loving home with parents that are missionaries who travel the world helping as many people learn about Christ. Summer decided to continue helping in other ways. She chose to become a foster parent. Although they have three children of their own, they always had the heart to share their love with unfortunate children. Summer sometimes takes on too much and finds herself stretch too thin and gets burned out. She doesn't stress too much over her appearance. Her hair is Type 2 wavy and easy to manage. She's had her challenges with some to the foster children she's cared for. When she get African American children she doesn't know how to care for their hair. She's searching for help and advice on the matter but hasn't found success. Summer is a fun person but she has some problems.
- Tries to keep up with everyone
- Doesn't say no
- Disorganized
And of course with problems, there are also blessings.
For summer, her blessings include:
- Loving, strong family
- Respect among peers
- Healthy
- Highly intelligent
Summer is a friend to all with a heart of gold.
Meet Candice:
- Female
- Age: 16
- Profession: Student
- Marital Status: Single but is boy crazy
- Race: Mixed, caucasian/black
- No children.
- Hair Type: 3 Curly
Candice is friendly and very helpful. She is a junior in high school and lives with both of her parents. She is active in school and in the community. She has a lot of associates but chooses to spend most of her time with her two best friends Al, and Pat. She wants to become a lawyer like her father but is now having second thoughts. She's found a new passion but her father doesn't approve. She wants to travel the world and sing. Her mother is supportive of her choice and it causes tension in the home everytime the subject is brought up. She finds peace at her job working at a local beauty shop for Mama K. Candice has Type 3 curly hair. She struggles with which race to identify with. Her hair can be unruly and dry. She is on a quest to discover who she is and which hair products will be best for her mixed curl hair. Although Candice is on the right track in some areas in her life, she too has problems.
- Identity crisis
- Product junkie
- Low self-esteem
- In need of direction
- Parents not getting along
- Dry hair
Candice counts her blessings:
- Smart, driven
- Helpful
- Good friend
- Trustworthy
Candice is a person everyone would love to be around.
And last but certainly not the least.
Welcome Mama K
- Female
- Age: 55
- Profession: Business owner (Hairmojis Beauty Shop)
- Marital Status: Widowed
- Race: African American
- Children: Three grown children, Grandmother of four.
- Hair Type: 4 Kinky
Mama K is the voice of reason. She is full of wisdom and helps everybody that comes into her shop. She's hired, Candice to help out. Sue is her faithful client and Summer brings her foster children to her for much-needed help. Mama K works on the hair and touches the soul. Her desire is for everyone to have healthy hair and to be emotionally healthy. She's seen people come to her shop with hopes that if the outside was perfect, then everything would be alright. It bothered that women would fuss and pay so much to be beautiful on the outside, but never changed how their self-image. She suffered for years with her self-esteem. She worried about what the opinions of others were about her. She kept her hair straight to avoid the negative comments made about her kinky hair. She hid in wigs and weaves. She soon realized that there was a deeper problem. It had nothing to do with her hair at all. Her problem was how she saw herself. She had a desire to change. She wanted to love who she was and how she was created. She always had a love for hair but due to her having to provide for her family, getting an education would have to wait. Mama K has had her share o ups and downs in life. She suffered a major when she lost her husband when her children were young. He died in an accident on his job. She was alone and had to learn to take care of her family. She faced many obstacles when she decided to open her shop. Through perseverance and faith, she opened Hairmojis and it's been a benefit to her and the community. Anyone who enters shop doesn't leave the same. Mama K has Type 4 kinky hair, She rocks her afro with pride. She has never felt better about herself. She's free, she's happy, she's now ready to help. Because of her generosity, she doesn't always have enough to make ends meet. This is affecting her physical and emotional health. Mama K doesn't let her trials keep her down. She is grateful for all the blessings in her life. A small list of her blessings include:
- Healthy children and grandchildren
- Own her own business
- Loyal Clients
- Wisdom
- Respect in community
I'm excited to share the stories of Mama K, Candice, Sue, and Summer. I hope you can find something in each of them that you can relate to and cheer them on as they walk through this journey called life.
These characters are fictional. I made them up. I don't want anybody to think that I'm telling their business. If I so happen to touch a place in your life that you can relate to through these characters then I feel I've accomplished what I wanted to do. I want you to feel their struggles and celebrate their victories.
If you have any suggestions or questions, I would love to hear them. Comment. Share. Follow. Don't miss a story. This is going to be good.
Hair: Free curls
Emotion: Excited
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