Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Dear Talesha, I apologize.

So after going through my ordeal not long ago, I took a long, hard, look at my life and I have to say, I was kind of disappointed.

Don't get me wrong, God has been very good to me. I just know that I can do better.

 I did more "talking" than doing. I "want" a lot of things but I haven't been "doing" what it takes to get them. I want to lose weight, I want to start a business, I want to do this, and do that, but the follow-through wasn't there. I'd start off strong and slowly but surely old habits took over.

I tried to find excuses as to why I broke my diet or didn't focus on my business, but there was no justification for my actions. Does anybody know what I'm talking about?

After my assessment, I knew what I had to do...

Dear Talesha,
  • I apologize for being so critical of you.
  • I apologize for not taking your health seriously.
  • I apologize for not pushing you to reach your full potential.
  • I apologize for letting fear control you.
  • I apologize for not believing in you.
  • I apologize for dwelling on your past too long.
  • I apologize for breaking promises I made to you.
  • I apologize for worrying too much about what others think of you.
Please find it in your heart to forgive me and give me another chance.



Can I find it in my heart to forgive myself? Can I really move forward? Is this another cycle? How will I know?What  should I do? Will I continue as always, or will I really make a change?

Then, I heard a podcast about a woman that was very obese and lost over 4oo pounds. She had to make a decision. She asked herself, what do you want most out of life? What are you doing today to get it? She had to have a hard conversation with herself in order to move forward. She had to face the facts that she broke many promises to herself and was losing in life. But the day she made the choice to keep her word, she had success in all areas of her life. She shared her struggles and her victories and that has inspired me to do the same thing.

There some things that I can not control, but there is a lot that I can.  I made self-sabotaging choices. If I can make choices that hindered me, surely I can make choices that can propel me. It's my choice. I'm responsible for my past and my future.

So, I have decided to never be mediocre again. I will be healthy. I will be successful. I will reach my full potential. I will help a bunch of people. I will love and care for my family with all my heart.

Image result for inspirational quotes
What I have to do:


I love you. I forgive you. Let's start over.

Hair: Ponytail
Emotion: Anticipation

Stay tuned for my video reviews coming next week!!! Can't wait to talk hair. 

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