Around the fifth week of recovery from the hysterectomy, I was feeling stronger and things seem to be getting back to normal. I had a birthday on Aug. 12 and things were looking up.
On Aug. 15, my husband and I were sitting on the porch enjoying the evening and suddenly, I started feeling a pain in my back. I struggled to breathe, it hurt so bad. I tried to ignore the pain and push past it but this discomfort wouldn't subside. I couldn't take it anymore, I was gasping for air, it felt like I had a thousand knives in my lungs. I was in tears.
My husband rushed me to the walk-in aftercare center but they couldn't help me and they sent us to the emergency room. I described the pain and the struggle to breathe to the ER doctor and they ordered a CT scan. It revealed that I had blood clots in both of my lungs! I was quickly admitted to the hospital. I was told that the clots were provoked by the surgery five weeks prior. I was in tremendous pain and I was afraid for my life I know how dangerous and deadly blood clots can be. I was pumped with blood thinners and pain medication for three days straight. My strength was depleted. I was back on pain medication and barely getting around.
A few days later at my follow-up appointment, my doctor told me I looked good in person, but bad on paper. I have to stay on blood thinners for about three months and be very careful not to get cut or bruised. She described to me about how severe this situation was and how I could have died.
This reality forced me to think about my life. I thought about the people I would have left behind, all the things that I haven't accomplished all the coulda, shoulda, woulda in life. I know it was by the grace of God that I have another chance to fulfill my purpose and you better believe I'm going to do just that.
This entire experience has inspired me to make the best of my life. I've decided to take advantage of opportunities given to me, walk through open doors, take care of my health, love my family, friends, and God with a pure heart.
Thank you to all my family and friends that prayed for me, and helped me. I thank God for loving me and giving me another opportunity to live.
That is the story of my summer 2016. I'm looking forward to 2017. If the Lord permits.
I advise everybody reading this blog to get up, get out, and enjoy your life. Seize the day! Every day is a gift.
God Bless.
Hair: Afro
Emotion: Happy
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