I heard this phrase, "when you look good, you'll feel good, when you feel good, you'll look good." I can agree with this statement. To find out more, read my about me section. I've discovered that it wouldn't be productive if we only fix the outside and the inside is broken. It certainly wouldn't be beneficial to have the inside together and look a mess on the outside.
That is the reason for this blog. Usually, you'd be getting advice on how to take care of your hair or tips on the latest product. But after being enlightened to the importance of emotional health, I had to address the issue.
We first must understand what emotional health is and how it is vital to our overall health. It is vital to digest this information before we move forward with the wonderful things I have in store for you. Let's work on the inside as well as the outside.
What is Emotional Health? View below.
As you can see, it is very important that we take care of our emotions in order to optimize our lives. Having a positive outlook can help reduce stress and increase our chances for success.
There are six components of health. The are listed as:
- Physical
- Social
- Environmental
- Emotional
- Spiritual
- Mental/Intellectual
Emotional health is expressing your emotions in a positive nondestructive way.
Many components of health can be affected by other components. If one is weak, it can affect the overall health. Wellness is the achievement of a person's best in all six components of health.
Emotional healthy people are:
- In control of their emotions.
- Able to handle life's challenges.
- Build strong relationships.
- Put effort into building and maintaining mental and emotional health.
- Enjoy life.
People with healthy emotions tend to have a zest for life, are balanced, and have a sense of meaning and purpose.
I created Hairmojis with the idea that there is a mind-body connection. I chose hair as the tool to teach this idea with. In my research, I found that:
- Taking care of your body is a powerful first step towards emotional health.
- When you improve your emotional health, you automatically experience greater emotional well-being.
Enjoy this quote from Dalai Lama:
A skillful, balanced approach is helpful for one's physical and emotional health, and it applies to one's spiritual growth as well.— Dalai Lama Quotes (@DaIaiLamaQuotes) October 20, 2016
How to achieve emotional health:
I'm a regular at the gym. I'm working on getting healthy. Everybody has a reason for being there. I see a variety of people frequent the building. From die hard meat heads to the casual senior citizen looking for company. They are all looking for something to help them feel and hopefully look better. I hope that it doesn't stop there. I hope they are taking the necessary steps to build strong, healthy self-images as well as healthy bodies. I've been to the beauty salons and I've seen women come in looking like the ugly duckling and leave a beautiful swan. I wonder if they took the process of becoming beautiful to the next level. How does she really see herself? Is she only beautiful now? I always tell my daughters that attitude is everything. I want them to feel good about themselves inside and out. It's not always easy to maintain that healthy image. Especially when we start comparing ourselves to others. We don't always have good hair days and everything we put on drapes perfectly. I want to get to the place where even on the bad days. I know that I'm good. I want my emotional health to be healthy. I'm working on this daily. I want to be operation on all cylinders. I now know that with a few changes, this is possible. I know that beauty really comes from within.
Please enjoy this video that breaks down how to take practice emotional hygiene.
It is my desire that you are healthy in all six areas of your life. I believe that starting with our emotional health is a great place to start. Take advantage of these tips and resources to guide you to a well-balanced life.
What things are you doing to improve your emotional health? Comment below.
Hair: Ponytail
Emotion: Balanced
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