Friday, September 30, 2016

Dear Talesha, You Tried It

I wrote a letter to myself not long ago. I have to say, it was one to the hardest thing I've ever done. Being transparent. That was a challenge for me and I started not to publish the blog.

 My purpose of doing these blogs is to help others and that's the reason I shared it. I want to help. 
Image result for motivational quotes

I would love to hear from you. If you have a question or comment you'd like me to respond to, write me. I'll write you back.

Here we go...

Dear Talesha,  

I've noticed you've been making some changes lately. I know it's been hard for you to break some bad habits and there is more work that needs to be done. I'm amazed at your determination to keep trying even when things don't quite work out.

  • You tried to stick to a diet and failed miserably.
  • You tried to keep a positive attitude when dealing with your everyday responsibilities of being wife and mom. 
  • You tried to stay on budget. And put everything in the checkbook.
  • You tried to stay encouraged while learning how to build a business.
  • You tried not to get jealous of those that have success and wait on God.
  • You tried to reconnect with friends and family that you haven't spoken to in a long time.
  • You tried to learn how to use new technology.
  • You tried to do your daily devotion.
  • You tried to be more patient.
  • You tried to be a better wife.
I know you didn't have success in all of your endeavors, but look at what you tried to do. Don't be discouraged, keep going. Rome wasn't built in a day. What's better is coming than what's been.


My Response:


Thank you. The struggle is real but it's so worth it. I'm glad I made the decision to try to make a change. I got knocked down a few times I didn't want to get back up but  I apologized to you because I know you deserve much better. I owe you a chance. I know you want to do everything perfectly every time, but now I understand that life isn't like that. Just give it all you got. My paradigm has shifted tremendously and I won't take a backseat to life anymore. Thanks for noticing my efforts and get ready for a new and improved you. You have much work to do and I'm confident with God you will reach your destiny. I'll see you next week. Get to work your better is coming.

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