Thursday, April 7, 2016

Addition by Subtraction

I'm thinking about areas in my life that I had a hard time of letting things go. These things were not bad for me but they weren't helping me either. I would probably be much further ahead in life had I let them go sooner. An example would be a person who I believe to be a good friend. In my mind they were good people, however, their outlook on life and behavior were affecting me in a negative way. I had to cut ties with that person. It didn't feel good at the time but I can truly say that it was the best thing I could have done for my future. It's been said, "show me your friends, and I'll show you your future." Another example has to, of course, do with my hair. I had decided to get a perm in my hair. At the beginning things were going well I was loving it. Later, my hair just started to break and it was looking kind of bad. I had a little length but the ends were stringy.  My hair stylist at the time suggested that I just cut my hair to make it healthier I refused and it only got worse. It got to the point where my hair just broke off anyway and I lost my length. I knew that I should have listened and taken care if it when the problem wasn't so bad. Now, if I see the need to let go of something to gain, I'm doing it. If it's a business, friend,split ends, situations, or anything that is holding me back from success, I will subtract to add with a quickness. Snip, snip.

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